Life Falkon has conducted a winter field survey to assess the distribution of potential safe sites on where to install nest-boxes for the lesser kestrel. We will install 100 boxes on recently restored buildings and other 100 on electricity poles, spreaded all over the Po Plain study area. To achieve this, LIFE FALKON staff has directly contacted over 100 farmers in the Project Area 1 to present the project and asking for a direct involvement, represented by the availability to install nest-boxes on their buildings. Farmers will sign an agreement form in which they engage in the project ensuring the conservation of nest-boxes for at least 20 years. Half of the nestboxes will be built by the world-leader NGO in the conservation of the lesser kestrel, the Spanish DEMA ( The remnants 100 boxes will be realized by a local carpentry based in Mirandola (MO), on a design developed by the LIFE FALKON team, based on the previous experience of LIFE Projects managed by HOS/Birdlife in Greece and with the support of the local SOM/Cisniar (Stazione Ornitologica Modenese/Centro Italiano Studi Nidi Artificiali) .

LIFE FALKON team developing nest boxes with SOM/Cisniar in the local carpentry of Mirandola (MO)

13 January 2020